Autodesk FeatureCAM Ultimate 2019.0.0.359 x64-XFORCE
Autodesk FeatureCAM Ultimate 2019.0.0.359 x64-XFORCE | 959 MB

Autodesk FeatureCAM Ultimate 2019.0.0.359 x64-XFORCE | 959 MB
FeatureCAM - CAM-system of preparation of control programs for
milling, turning, turning-milling and EDM machines with CNC, allows:
* Construct or import a part
* Identify parts of the part (holes, pockets, grooves, milling surfaces, etc.)
* Create and simulate the processing process
* Generate the NC code of the control program (UE)
The knowledge base of processing technologies increases productivity
FeatureCAM automatically:
* Choose a tool
* Calculates speed and feed, step and depth of cut
* Defines roughing and finishing operations
* Generates the processing path and the NC code of the control program
You can specify the degree of automation required and change any automatic processing created
FeatureCAM provides:
* Extensive library of postprocessors with the ability to create own or modify existing
* Feed optimization
* API interface for creating macro programs and custom applications
* Documentation for the calculation of works
* Built-in 3D simulation module
* access to the roughing functionality with Vortex technology.
Year / Release Date: 2018
Version: 2019.0.0.359
Developer: Autodesk
Developer's site:
Bit depth: 64bit
Language: English
Tabletka: present
System requirements:
Microsoft� Windows� 10 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
CPU Type Multiple core 64-bit processor, such as AMD Phenom II or Intel Core i7
8 GB RAM minimum recommended
16 GB RAM or more recommended for demanding parts
Graphics Card
At least 2GB fully OpenGL 2.0 compliant
Screen Resolution 1920 x 1200
Disk Space 160 GB