- 24 Mar 2012
- 257
- 11
- 18
- 62
Express AM 2, 80.0°E
Rossiya 1 (+6h) and Rossiya 1 (+8h) have started on 4159 R (C-band beam), DVB-S2/8PSK/Multistream/MPEG-2/BISS, SR 33030, FEC 8/9. The mux is in Multistream mode with ISI 171.
Rossiya 1 (+6h)
03 27 02 2C 10 62 51 C3
Rossiya 1 (+8h)
03 27 02 2C 10 62 51 C3
Rossiya 1 (+6h) and Rossiya 1 (+8h) have started on 4159 R (C-band beam), DVB-S2/8PSK/Multistream/MPEG-2/BISS, SR 33030, FEC 8/9. The mux is in Multistream mode with ISI 171.
Rossiya 1 (+6h)
03 27 02 2C 10 62 51 C3
Rossiya 1 (+8h)
03 27 02 2C 10 62 51 C3
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